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Hordes Of Chaos Warhammer

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Back during the early days of Warhammer Fantasy, all three types of Chaos servant - Vikings in cool armor, anthropomorphic animals with swords and axes, and creations of the Chaos Gods - were all part of a single army called the Hordes of Chaos. May 21, 2019 Hordes Of Chaos Tab; Chaos Lords Warhammer; For the Kreator album, see Hordes of Chaos (album). Warriors of Chaos is a 'Warhammer Army' book, a supplement to the Warhammer Fantasy Battle game. The book gives rules for playing with the human Chaos (Warhammer) worshippers from the Chaos wastes, as will as background information.

  • Kurgan Hordes - A Chaos army will appear somewhere in the Worlds Edge Mountains. Howls of the Abyss - A Chaos army invades Middenland but Valten Exalted of Sigmar has risen an army in its defense. Also tales are abound of scratching noises in the dead of nightand of echoing chitters from the depths.
  • Hordes of Chaos is the twelfth studio album by German thrash metal band Kreator.It has been described as their most organic album to date because, barring vocals, guitar solos and some melodies, the album was recorded in a live setting on an analog tape recorder with few overdubs.
FactionWarriors of Chaos
Unit size45
Cost (MP):1700 (1700)
Melee attack:44
Melee defence:58
Charge Bonus:44
Weapon Damage:15
Armour-Piercing Damage:35
Bonus vs. Infantry:15
Melee Interval:4.6 s
Flaming Attacks:Yes
  • Can Cause Fear: This unit frightens all enemy units, reducing their leadership when nearby. It is also immune to fear. Fear penalties do not stack.
  • Hide (forest): This unit can hide in forests until enemy units get too close.

Chaos Knights is a Warriors of Chaos cavalry unit introduced in Total War: Warhammer. Loyal followers of the Everchosen, maleficent Knights dedicated with reverent faith to any and all of the Chaos Gods.

Description[edit | edit source]

All Champions of Chaos follow their gods with reverent faith, but to this warband the worship of Chaos is everything. They are more like a religious order than a band of warriors. The Swords of Chaos are not dedicated to any one of the Chaos gods alone. They follow Chaos Undivided, the Great Nameless One, the Thing That Should Not Be.

Their leader is called Archaon. He is mighty, cunning, unspeakably evil, and is said to be the greatest Chaos lord of the age. Rumours tell that he was a warrior-priest of a religious order in the Empire, but found his true faith in the worship of Chaos. He was granted a vision that he would unite the hordes of Chaos and march against the civilized nations, bringing upon the world an Age of Chaos that would last for eternity. Archaon is utterly dedicated to this cause, and he will let nothing stand in his way. He is a great orator, and his speeches whip his followers into a religious frenzy. His words touch the soul of anyone who has pledged himself to the cause of Chaos.

Archaon is constantly roaming the wastes, seeking other warbands. In battle the choice that Archaon gives to the other warbands is simple: join him or die. Followers of all Chaos gods are welcome, just as long as they swear fealty to Archaon. Chaos Undivided welcomes all its true sons.

Many disobey and die. But many others will be gripped by the zeal of Archaon and join him. Thus the Swords of Chaos have grown to be the largest coalition of warriors in the Northern Wastes. Many times have zealous defenders gathered armies and challenged Archaon, hoping to rid the world of his deadly threat. Now their bones litter the Northern Wastes and the plains of the Troll Country.

The warbands that gather under the banners of the Swords of Chaos are many and varied, but all of them are under the rule of the the merciless lord Archaon. All look to him for religious guidance. Their number grows daily, and many fear that Archaon will be the next one to gather the warbands of the wastes and bring unholy war to the Old World.

Attributes[edit | edit source]

  • Anti-Infantry: Anti-infantry units have an advantage against targets that are smaller than a horse. This advantage can be a damage bonus against small targets, superior weight used to smash through lighter enemies, or an explosive attack from range that effects a large area.
  • Armoured & Shielded: Armoured units can block damage from any source apart from Armour-Piercing damage. Shields have a chance of blocking arrows, bolts, rifle shots and similar small arms fire - but only in a forward facing arc.

Ability[edit | edit source]

Warhammer fantasy chaos
  • Apocalyptic Charge: +24% speed, +24% charge speed for all units map wide, recharges when near enemies

Strategy[edit | edit source]

Chaos Knights with flaming attacks, Guardian, and a map wide speed/charge boost. These traits make them good for pairing with a lord as a bodyguard unit. They are a melee cavalry so can actually survive for a while in combat and rely less on a charge bonus. They should shadow your lord or heroes generally. Notably, they do have significantly less models than standard chaos knights.

Hordes Of Chaos Warhammer 40k

Warriors of Chaos units
Lords and Legendary LordsArchaon the Everchosen · Kholek Suneater · Prince Sigvald the Magnificent · Sarthorael the Everwatcher · Chaos Lord · Chaos Sorcerer Lord (Death) · Chaos Sorcerer Lord (Fire) · Chaos Sorcerer Lord (Metal) · Chaos Sorcerer Lord (Shadows)
HeroesExalted Hero · Chaos Sorcerer (Death) · Chaos Sorcerer (Fire) · Chaos Sorcerer (Metal) · Chaos Sorcerer (Shadows)
MountsChaos Steed · Barded Chaos Steed · Manticore (mount) · Chaos Dragon · Dorghar
InfantryChaos Marauders · Chaos Marauders (Great Weapons) · Chaos Warriors · Chaos Warriors (Halberds) · Chaos Warriors (Great Weapons) · Aspiring Champions · Forsaken · Chosen · Chosen (Great Weapons) · Chosen (Halberds)
Monsters and BeastsChaos Warhounds · Chaos Warhounds (Poison) · Chaos Giant · Chaos Trolls · Chaos Trolls (Armoured) · Chaos Spawn · Chaos Feral Manticore · Dragon Ogres · Dragon Ogre Shaggoth
Cavalry and ChariotsChaos Knights · Chaos Knights (Lances) · Chaos Chariot · Gorebeast Chariot
Missile Cavalry and ChariotsMarauder Horsemen · Marauder Horsemen (Throwing Axes) · Marauder Horsemasters
Mirror Guard · The Soul of Damnation · The Daemonspew · Wyrd Spawn · Swords of Chaos · Summoners of Rage
Retrieved from ''

Archaon's Horde was a variant of the Hordes of Chaos army for Warhammer Fantasy 6th edition, released as part of the Storm of Chaos campaign. Buku pramuka lengkap pdf skripsi. As its name suggests, it is a variant Warriors of Chaos army that specifically represents the forces directly aligned to Archaon or under the command of one of his lieutenants. This means that it cannot feature beastmen or daemon auxilaries, but its forces are especially numerous and disciplined. It is generally most remembered for being the army that introduced the Hellcannon, which went on to become a mainstay in the Warriors of Chaos army.

  • 2Army List

Special Rules[edit]

Hordes Of Chaos Warhammer
  • Jealousy of the Gods: An Archaon's Horde army may only contain the Chaos Mark of one Chaos God, other than Chaos Undivided. The faithful of each Chaos God flock together to maintain purity of purpose during an invasion on this scale.
  • Grand Army of Darkness: An Archaon's Horde army may include multiple units of Chaos Chosen, instead of the normal 0-1 unit restriction for a Hordes of Chaos army.
  • Legions of the Damned: Chaos Marauders units numbering at least 25 models, and Chaos Warriors units numbering at least 16 models, can update models to Standard Bearer, Musician and Champion for free.

Army List[edit]


  • Lord of Chaos
  • Exalted Sorcerer of Chaos


  • Exalted Champion of Chaos
  • Aspiring Champion of Chaos
  • Sorcerer of Chaos

Core Units[edit]

  • Warriors of Chaos
  • Knights of Chaos
  • Marauders of Chaos
  • Marauder Horsemen
  • Warhounds of Chaos

Warhammer Chaos And Conquest Guide

Special Units[edit]

Warhammer Hordes Of Chaos

  • Chosen Warriors of Chaos
  • Chosen Knights of Chaos
  • Chariots of Chaos

Rare Units[edit]

  • Anti-Infantry: Anti-infantry units have an advantage against targets that are smaller than a horse. This advantage can be a damage bonus against small targets, superior weight used to smash through lighter enemies, or an explosive attack from range that effects a large area.
  • Armoured & Shielded: Armoured units can block damage from any source apart from Armour-Piercing damage. Shields have a chance of blocking arrows, bolts, rifle shots and similar small arms fire - but only in a forward facing arc.

Ability[edit | edit source]

  • Apocalyptic Charge: +24% speed, +24% charge speed for all units map wide, recharges when near enemies

Strategy[edit | edit source]

Chaos Knights with flaming attacks, Guardian, and a map wide speed/charge boost. These traits make them good for pairing with a lord as a bodyguard unit. They are a melee cavalry so can actually survive for a while in combat and rely less on a charge bonus. They should shadow your lord or heroes generally. Notably, they do have significantly less models than standard chaos knights.

Hordes Of Chaos Warhammer 40k

Warriors of Chaos units
Lords and Legendary LordsArchaon the Everchosen · Kholek Suneater · Prince Sigvald the Magnificent · Sarthorael the Everwatcher · Chaos Lord · Chaos Sorcerer Lord (Death) · Chaos Sorcerer Lord (Fire) · Chaos Sorcerer Lord (Metal) · Chaos Sorcerer Lord (Shadows)
HeroesExalted Hero · Chaos Sorcerer (Death) · Chaos Sorcerer (Fire) · Chaos Sorcerer (Metal) · Chaos Sorcerer (Shadows)
MountsChaos Steed · Barded Chaos Steed · Manticore (mount) · Chaos Dragon · Dorghar
InfantryChaos Marauders · Chaos Marauders (Great Weapons) · Chaos Warriors · Chaos Warriors (Halberds) · Chaos Warriors (Great Weapons) · Aspiring Champions · Forsaken · Chosen · Chosen (Great Weapons) · Chosen (Halberds)
Monsters and BeastsChaos Warhounds · Chaos Warhounds (Poison) · Chaos Giant · Chaos Trolls · Chaos Trolls (Armoured) · Chaos Spawn · Chaos Feral Manticore · Dragon Ogres · Dragon Ogre Shaggoth
Cavalry and ChariotsChaos Knights · Chaos Knights (Lances) · Chaos Chariot · Gorebeast Chariot
Missile Cavalry and ChariotsMarauder Horsemen · Marauder Horsemen (Throwing Axes) · Marauder Horsemasters
Mirror Guard · The Soul of Damnation · The Daemonspew · Wyrd Spawn · Swords of Chaos · Summoners of Rage
Retrieved from ''

Archaon's Horde was a variant of the Hordes of Chaos army for Warhammer Fantasy 6th edition, released as part of the Storm of Chaos campaign. Buku pramuka lengkap pdf skripsi. As its name suggests, it is a variant Warriors of Chaos army that specifically represents the forces directly aligned to Archaon or under the command of one of his lieutenants. This means that it cannot feature beastmen or daemon auxilaries, but its forces are especially numerous and disciplined. It is generally most remembered for being the army that introduced the Hellcannon, which went on to become a mainstay in the Warriors of Chaos army.

  • 2Army List

Special Rules[edit]

  • Jealousy of the Gods: An Archaon's Horde army may only contain the Chaos Mark of one Chaos God, other than Chaos Undivided. The faithful of each Chaos God flock together to maintain purity of purpose during an invasion on this scale.
  • Grand Army of Darkness: An Archaon's Horde army may include multiple units of Chaos Chosen, instead of the normal 0-1 unit restriction for a Hordes of Chaos army.
  • Legions of the Damned: Chaos Marauders units numbering at least 25 models, and Chaos Warriors units numbering at least 16 models, can update models to Standard Bearer, Musician and Champion for free.

Army List[edit]


  • Lord of Chaos
  • Exalted Sorcerer of Chaos


  • Exalted Champion of Chaos
  • Aspiring Champion of Chaos
  • Sorcerer of Chaos

Core Units[edit]

  • Warriors of Chaos
  • Knights of Chaos
  • Marauders of Chaos
  • Marauder Horsemen
  • Warhounds of Chaos

Warhammer Chaos And Conquest Guide

Special Units[edit]

Warhammer Hordes Of Chaos

  • Chosen Warriors of Chaos
  • Chosen Knights of Chaos
  • Chariots of Chaos

Rare Units[edit]

  • Hellcannon
  • Spawn of Chaos
Retrieved from ''

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